Nominate a person for the Michael Klug Award

Take this opportunity to nominate a person who over the past 12 months has contributed towards the peaceful resolution of conflict in the best interests of the community.

About the Award

Working in support of the peaceful resolution of conflict in the community can be hard, frustrating and often exhausting. This is the complex work of navigating complex systems, multi-faceted influences and diverse party interests.

People who work on the coalface of conflict often do so with a great commitment to respect, empowerment and long-term change. They are usually too busy doing the work and don’t have time to share their success stories. They don’t do this work for praise; they do it for a passion to contribute to creating a more peaceful world.

The Michael Klug Award provides an important opportunity to reflect on the last 12 months and celebrate that individuals taking action can make a real difference. The Award is a chance:

  • to publicly recognise and value them
  • to say ‘thank you’
  • to support and encourage them in their work to influence change and create a more peaceful community.

Awardees (selected from nominees) receive the following:

  • a formal presentation of the Award at a special or significant event
  • AU$1,000.00 into the bank of your choice
  • a feature of your story in our digital newsletter (Pulse) or equivalent
  • an opportunity to participate in a webinar.

This Award is made possible through the generosity of Michael Klug AM.

About Michael Klug

About nominees

Nominees may be from anywhere in Australia or New Zealand. They could be dispute resolution professionals, local, state or national community leaders, people working within the justice or health system or within the media or academia or from any other area that has given them the scope to contribute to the making of peace. Nominees do not need to be members of Resolution Institute. The only criterion that nominees must meet is “to be ä person or persons who over the past 12 months has contributed towards the peaceful resolution of conflict in the best interests of the community”.

See Previous Awardees

Nominate now

We encourage you to nominate someone you know or even to self-nominate. Share the story of peacemaking so that we can all benefit and better support our community.

To nominate:

  1. Complete the nomination form
    • Describe in less than 500 words how the nominee has in the previous 12 months, contributed towards the peaceful resolution of conflict in the best interests of the community.
    • Describe in less than 500 words why this contribution has been an important promotion of peaceful conflict resolution in the community.
    • Describe the nominee’s previous work or volunteer roles which may have contributed to his/her achievement.
  2. Attach the nominee’s curriculum vitae (optional)
Nominate Here

We will acknowledge receipt of all nominations.

Selection and announcement

The Acknowledgement and Awards Committee will:

  • consider all nominees and notify nominees who are shortlisted
  • recommend at least one nominee to the Board to receive the Award

The Board will announce the Awardee within approximately two months of the closing date for nominations.