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Media Release
10 October 2023 - Russell Thirgood Announces Departure from Resolution Institute
Media Release
Nick Hopkins KC Appointed as Chair of the Board at Resolution Institute
Media Release
31st January 2024 Professional Certificate in Arbitration
Media Release
20th December 2022 - Former CEO, Fiona Hollier, receives highest accolade with Honorary life membership
Media Release
7 November 2022 - If Nation States are found to have immunity from enforcement of awards made in arbitrations under ICSID by operation of the Foreign Immunities Act 1985, Australia’s reputation as being arbitration friendly will suffer.
Media Release
10 May 2022 - Having children not only had a profound impact on former family lawyer Shelby Timmins, but it also changed her focus and career direction. After 20 years as a family lawyer, she decided that she’d had enough of the adversarial nature of family law and that she could make a bigger difference to families working in the dispute resolution space. One that allowed for flexibility and a gentler way of resolving family disputes.
Media Release
24th February 2022 Resolution Institute and The College of Law are pleased to announce an exciting new partnership aimed at establishing a symbiotic cooperation which will maximise the resources of both organisations through mutual collaboration and the sharing of expertise and efforts in education and training.
Media Release
20th May 2022 - The Chair of Resolution Institute, Russell Thirgood, is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 Resolution Institute Certificate Awards. This is a prestigious honour that celebrates outstanding contribution and practice across the dispute resolution spectrum.
Media Release
31st May 2022 - Resolution Institute chair Russell Thirgood will tomorrow urge the construction industry to consider avoiding disputes completely or radically change the way they are currently resolved. He will provide valuable advice gained from decades in the construction and dispute resolution industries both in Australia and overseas.
Media Release
10th May 2022 - Gold Coast based mediator and academic, Associate Professor Libby Taylor, is one of 8 outstanding dispute resolution practitioners recognised for their work with the recent 2022 annual Resolution Institute Certificate awards. It was her unique and innovative way of practising Family Dispute Resolution that saw her take out the much-coveted award at a virtual ceremony on May 3.
Media Release
It’s fair to say that Resolution Institute member and freshly minted Fellow, Anna Booth likes a chat. She’s had a fire in her belly about protecting vulnerable people since her high school days at Hornsby Girls and likes nothing more than listening to people tell their stories. This, she says, makes her a natural mediator.
Feedback on the Attorney General's 2020 Consultation paper regarding Australia becoming a signatory to the Singapore Convention on International Mediation.
This article explores how lawyers and mediators can work together to provide clients with the best possible outcomes.
Amber highlights our Professional Development Subscription, shares updates related to our upcoming face to face training, and reminds our Aotearoa New Zealand members to send in their member feedback survey responses.
Updates on the team in Aotearoa New Zealand, our upcoming mediation workshops and mediation accreditation services.
Amber thanks members for their continued support, and encourages them to renew their membership, highlighting membership benefits including our latest programmes.
Updates on the upcoming events in Aotearoa New Zealand, including mediation training, accreditation, and practice groups.
Legal update by Clayton Utz -April 2023
This article is the second part of a series of three articles about how workplace mediation is unique. This article outlines the author's approach to conducting a workplace mediation, based on the traditional model of mediation.
This article shares quick tips that will help you make a difference while starting a mediation practice.
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