Resolution Institute Certificate Awards

The Resolution Institute Certificate Awards are a series of four awards designed to celebrate and honour outstanding contribution and/or practice across the dispute resolution spectrum.

Receiving a Resolution Institute Award is recognition that the nominated practitioner has gone “above and beyond” in their particular area or category of dispute resolution practice and/or dispute management work. The Awards are to acknowledge outstanding practice and are based on more than a person’s day-to-day work, however admirable that may be.

Nominations are made by peers and other practitioners who have seen or have knowledge of the nominees’ outstanding dispute resolution practice and/or dispute management work.*

Each nominee must be individually nominated by two people. Each nominator must separately submit their own reasons why the practitioner is being nominated, with evidence and/or examples to support the nomination. A nominator cannot just endorse the comments of another nominator: it is therefore recommended that, as far as is possible, each nominator provides separate and distinct reflections about the nominee.

The Awards and Acknowledgment Committee assesses each nomination based only on the information provided in the nomination form. As such, it is vital that each nominator provides sufficient information about the nominee’s practice to show they are worthy of this high honour. The Award details below provide examples of what information may be relevant and necessary. Awards will only be made conferred where there is clear evidence of the award conditions being satisfied.

Once the Awards and Acknowledgment Committee assesses the nominations, the Committee recommends to the Resolution Institute Board the names of those who have fulfilled the criteria to receive the Award they were nominated for.

* This may include, but is not limited to, Indigenous peacemaking, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander training and practice in remote areas, developing Maori and Pasifika practice, restorative justice, restorative practice, facilitative processes, evaluative processes, determinative processes, conciliation, peer mediation in schools, family mediation approaches from a variety of different frameworks, publishing, organising special DR events, researching, presenting webinars, masterclasses, outreach and online practice to bring services to the outback, and overall leadership in dispute resolution management.

Achievement by an emerging practitioner

May be awarded to Resolution Institute members only

Exceptional practice

May be awarded to Resolution Institute members only

Innovation in practice

May be awarded to Resolution Institute members only

Service to dispute resolution

may be awarded to both members as well as non-members, individuals as well as organisations

Resolution Institute Certificate Awards 2023



Exceptional practice

Anne Sutherland

Service to dispute resolution

Dr Dale Bagshaw

Angela Harbinson

Previous awardees

Achievement by an emerging practitioner

Nicole Davidson (2021) | Annette Andrews (2022)

Exceptional practice

Lynn Booker (2021)

Innovation in practice

Wi Pere Mita (2021) | Matthew Clayton (2021) | Chris Morrow (2021) | Shelby Timmins (2022)

Service to dispute resolution

Ruth Charlton (2021) | Muaausa Pele Walker (2021) | Samantha Hardy (2021) | Delcy Lagones de Anglim (2021) | Professor Jeffrey Waincymer (2021) | Cheryl Bryan (2022) | Michael Hyde (2022) | Bianca Keys (2022) | Stephen Lancken (2022) | Moira Ransom (2022) | Libby Taylor (2022)