Call for Speakers

Resolution Institute invites dispute resolution (DR) colleagues to submit speaker and panel abstracts relevant to the Conference 2024 theme; Navigating Uncertainty: DR Solutions for a Complex World. Submissions can include but is not limited to research, case studies, new methodologies, advances in technology, practice, trends in all areas of DR.

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Call for Sponsors

Become a sponsor and your brand will be prominently featured in conference materials, signage, and promotional activities whilst positioning your organisation as a thought leader and innovator in the field of dispute resolution. You could leverage speaking opportunities, panel discussions, or workshops to showcase your expertise, share insights, and contribute to the industry dialogue. Further, RAIF will give additional opportunities to foster partnerships in the Asia Pacific Region.

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About RAIF

The Regional Arbitration Institute Forum (RAIF) was established in 2007 with the aim to connect practitioners from Arbitration Institutes in the East Region of Asia. With nine organisation members in judicious locations, the RAIF assures a great representation of arbitration in the Region. Additionally, the RAIF also focuses on education, training, and research, for experienced and young practitioners.

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