Why Sponsor this Event?

Our conference is designed to be the premium event of the year for dispute resolvers across Australia and New Zealand, offering an unparalleled in person experience at an affordable cost, thanks to our generous sponsors. By supporting us, you're not just sponsoring a conference, you are aligning yourself with the peak dispute resolution organisation and our members alike; you’re positioning yourself to be recognised and to stand out in our profession in a time of change. We invite you to work with us to continue to push boundaries and set new levels of practice as we navigate this complex world.

Sponsors of the conference enable us to deliver an unparalleled event experience. Your contributions go beyond financial support, offering access to industry experts and pioneering recognition that your experiences enrich our programme. Through your contribution, we can ensure attendees have the opportunity to engage and hear from thought leaders, experts and colleagues at the forefront of our field. Through the generous support of you - our sponsor, we're able to craft an environment that fosters learning, networking, and growth, making our conference not just an event, but a launchpad for future industry advancements.

By sponsoring the conference, your brand will be prominently featured in conference materials, signage, and promotional activities whilst positioning your organisation as a thought leader and innovator in the field of dispute resolution. You could leverage speaking opportunities, panel discussions, or workshops to showcase your expertise, share insights, and contribute to the industry dialogue. Further, RAIF will give additional opportunities to foster partnerships in the Asia Pacific Region.

We invite you to sponsor this unique event and demonstrate your commitment to your professional community, give back to the industry, support professional development initiatives, and contribute to the advancement of the field.

Download sponsorship brochure


Amber Williams
CEO, Resolution Institute
T: +61 2 9251 3366 | 1800 651 650
E: [email protected]