Student mediation scheme

Education and training institutions can join the Student Mediation Scheme to access an external appeals process

What is the Student Mediation Scheme?

The scheme allows a member educational and training institution or its student to refer to Resolution Institute as the external review body once its internal grievance system has been exhausted.

The Higher Education Support Act 2003 deals with the complaints and appeals process for higher education in Australia. Student grievance and review procedures (Subdivision 19–D, s 19–45)

The National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 deals with the complaints and appeals process.

Resolution Institute will:

  • Appoint a mediator.
  • Arrange dates, locations and or teleconferences for pre-mediation discussions and mediation discussions with the provider and the student.
  • Provide each participant and the mediator with the necessary documentation to conduct the mediation.

The educational institution must be a member of the student mediation scheme in order to access the scheme.

Join the Student Mediation Scheme

Student application for external review

To begin an external review:

  1. Download and complete the Student Application for External Review Form
  2. Contact the educational and training provider and let them know you wish to proceed with the external appeals process.
  3. Lodge the Student Application for External Review Form with us. Remember to attach any supporting documents.
  4. Click here to pay your share of the application fee.

We will then liaise with you and your education and training provider to facilitate your mediation.

Education provider application for external review

To begin an external review:

  1. Download and complete the Education Provider Application for External Review Form
  2. Contact the student and let them know you wish to proceed with the external appeals process.
  3. Lodge the Education Provider Application for External Review Form with us. Remember to attach any supporting documents.
  4. Click here to pay your share of the application fee.

We will liaise with you and the student to facilitate mediation proceedings.

Table of Fees



Scheme registration fee

Annual fee of AU$325.00

Mediator’s fee for the first 4 hours of services

Initial fee of AU$500.00

Subsequent hours after the first 4 hours

Hourly rate of AU$210.00

Teleconference – part of first 4 hours

Included in the initial fee

Travel expenses – local

Included in the initial fee

Travel expenses – not local

Additional expense incurred by parties in negotiation with Resolution Institute

Room hire

Additional expense incurred by parties

All fees are inclusive of GST

For detailed information on the scheme and process see the Information Kit below
