Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation Standards (AMDRAS)

The Mediator Standards Board (MSB) has now announced significant updates to the accreditation standards for mediators with the release of the Australian Mediation Dispute Resolution Accreditation Standards (AMDRAS), implementing the key findings from the NMAS review, and respect the views of the broader dispute resolution community. These changes will impact both current accredited mediators and those seeking accreditation in the future. The Resolution Institute team are actively planning for the implementation process of the new AMDRAS framework and are diligently reviewing how best to adapt our system and processes to align with the updated requirements. We are dedicated to making this transition as seamless as possible for our members.

The MSB has published comprehensive guidelines documents provided below. These documents are designed to address common queries and concerns while offering practical insights to navigate the transition process effectively.

The Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation Standards (AMDRAS) will begin to be implemented on 1st July 2024 with a 12-month transition period. Members who hold their NMAS accreditation through Resolution Institute will have their accreditation status automatically transitioned to AMDRAS accreditation as of 1st July 2024. You don’t need to do anything for this, it will happen automatically.

If you are interested in becoming either an Advanced (Level 2) or Leading (Level 3) accredited mediator under the AMDRAS, this will also shortly be available. We will then let you know how you can apply.

Download AMDRAS Standards Here

Re-name of the Mediator Standards Board

On 5th June 2024, the Mediator Standards Board (MSB) held a Special General Meeting with the purpose of changing its name to align to the AMDRAS, and to make changes to its constitution. These motions were voted upon and passed, and as a result, the MSB is now called the AMDRAS Board.  Following the commencement of the AMDRAS (standards), the MSB website will also be renamed with some changes to be made to the website itself to reflect the move to AMDRAS.


Training and Accreditation

You can still become an accredited mediator by continuing to access the Resolution Institute 5-day mediation training courses and assessment. During the 12-month transition period, this will still be available for aspiring mediators. Once you have completed the assessment you will become accredited and then be transitioned into the new arrangements from July 2025.

To register for an approved mediation accreditation training course – please follow the links below for a date and location that works for you:



Frequently Asked Questions

 1. I’m an Accredited Mediator NMAS, What do I have to do?

If you are a NMAS Accredited Mediator, you don’t need to do anything. You will automatically become a AMDRAS recognised practitioner on the 1st July 2024 and the Resolution Institute system will be updated to reflect this. If your accreditation renewal is coming up during the transition period at first you will be renewing under the NMAS rules.

That transition period will end on the 30th June 2025. If your renewal is due after that you’ll be renewing under AMDRAS and we will communicate with you about that at the time.

 2. I'm currently enrolled in NMAS Training. What does it mean for me?

If you are currently enrolled in NMAS training  then you should complete your training as planned and follow with the normal assessment and accreditation process. You will have the time periods allowed in the NMAS to complete your assessment and accreditation and this will be completed under the NMAS rules. 

3. I am considering enrolling in Mediation Training. What should I do?

If you are considering enrolling in training to become a Nationally Accredited Mediator we would encourage you to complete the training as soon as possible as the current process and costs will remain for some of the transition period.  We will be applying to continue providing training, assessment and accreditation under AMDRAS as a Recognised Training Provider (RTP) and Recognised Accreditation Provider (RAP) however the timeframes for this are still being discussed and exact times are unknown so we would encourage you to enrol now into our NMAS Course. Following the training you will have the full time period allowances to complete your studies, your assessment and accreditation in accordance with the NMAS standards.

We note that the current training under NMAS is 5 days, and the requirements of the AMDRAS is for the training to be 6 days so it may be an opportune time to complete the training now.

4. I hold Advanced Mediation Accreditation under the Resolution Institute Framework, what will happen to that accreditation under AMDRAS?

The Resolution Institute Advanced Mediation Accreditation has far higher standards than the Advanced level of accreditation under AMDRAS. Accordingly, we expect that all current Advanced Accredited Members will be transitioned to the Advanced level accreditation under AMDRAS following 1st July. We also expect that some of these members will be eligible for Leading accreditation as well. We will be in contact with Advanced Accredited members at the time and communicate with you about that process.

5. I’m enrolled in the Resolution Institute 2 day Advanced Mediation Training Course on 26th and 27th June, what does that mean for me?

We expect to transition our advanced accredited members to either the advanced under AMDRAS in the transition period, using the alternative pathway option provided in Division 8, Section 34 and 35 of AMDRAS. For those members who have enrolled in the upcoming 2-day advanced mediation training, rest assured that we are confident that it meets the requirements of the Practicum Certificate that will be necessary for advanced accreditation under the AMDRAS.

6. Can I enrol in the Advanced Mediation Course now?

yes you can, we are taking enrolments for the 2 day advanced mediation training course scheduled for 26-27th June in Sydney. For more information please refer to the event page here.

7. Is Resolution Institute membership is still required to maintain my AMDRAS mediator accreditation after 1st July 2024?

Yes, if you wish to maintain your mediator accreditation, you still need to hold membership with Resolution Institute if we are currently your RMAB under the NMAS system. Under the transition, Resolution Institute will become a recognised provider under AMDRAS which means that we will still be approved as a training and accreditation body under the new standards.

8. Now there are 3 levels of mediation accreditation, will this impact my Resolution Institute membership level and post nominals? (ie Fellow, professional, or associate)

No, the levels of mediation accreditation under AMDRAS, and your membership level with Resolution Institute are distinct and do not impact each other. You can continue to use your Resolution Institute post nominals as well as the new AMDRAS post nominals.

9. What are my new CPD requirements under AMDRAS and how do I track it?

Following the transition, AMDRAS accredited practitioners will be required to keep a log of their CPD and practice hours, as you currently do under NMAS. Your Resolution Institute member portal and the CPD tracker is the best place to do this. The amended requirements will be visible in the CPD tracker following the transition date. Note that these requirements have changed slightly, with the broadening of the meaning of “practice hours” which will now include:

  • up to 5 hours of intake and preparatory work to set up the dispute resolution process
  • up to 5 hours of observing a more experienced practitioner

Practice hours for Level 1 Accredited Mediators has been reduced to 20 hours per 2-year cycle and is 40 hours for each cycle for Advanced and Leading Mediators. CPD remains at 25 hours for each level per cycle.

10. How can I find out more?

Resolution Institute CEO and MSB Director Amber Williams will be running a webinar to update members on Tuesday 18th June. Registration details will be emailed to members shortly.