Resolution Institute Certificate Award for service to dispute resolution

Nominate a person for the Resolution Institute Certificate Award for service to dispute resolution

Take this opportunity to nominate a person or organisation who has gone ‘above and beyond’ in their service to dispute resolution, where their work has enriched or enhanced dispute resolution development, theory, practice or context.

About the Award

This award can be conferred to a dispute resolution practitioner in any context or to someone whose work is in support of dispute resolution. It can also be given to an organisation that satisfies the award criteria.

We are seeking to award individuals or organisations who have gone “above and beyond” in their service to dispute resolution, where their work has enriched or enhanced dispute resolution development, theory, practice, or context. As part of the nomination process, we request that the type of ‘Service’ be defined, and it will be noted on the award. Some examples could be an extensive contribution to research, publishing, advocacy, education/training, or professional development, growing dispute resolution in a particular sector, supporting or building cultural competence or inclusion within the DR community in Australia, New Zealand or from abroad, or providing significant contribution to peacebuilding.

The ‘Service to dispute resolution’ can be awarded to both Resolution Institute members and non-members.

A nomination requires two nominators, each providing detail of the nominee’s achievement.

About the nominees

The award can be presented to both members and non-members.

They could be a dispute resolution practitioner in any dispute resolution context or could be someone whose work is in support of a dispute resolution process.

Both individuals and organisations can be nominated.

About the nominators

Nominations can be submitted by Resolution Institute members, Board, staff and the public.

A nomination requires two nominators who can provide detail of the nominee’s achievement.

Self-nominations will not be accepted.

To nominate:

  1. Download the nomination form (Word document)
  2. Complete the nomination form (both nominators to fill in the same form)
    1. Fill in the nominee’s details
    2. Define the area of practice
    3. Describe what makes their practice exceptional (two nominators have to provide details)
  3. Please send in the completed form to [email protected]

Download Nominations Form

We will acknowledge receipt of all nominations.

Selection and announcement

The Acknowledgements and Awards Committee will:

  • assess all nominations
  • make recommendations to the board

The board will make the final decision on the allocation of the awards.

The board will announce the awardee in 2024.