Missed Opportunities in Arbitration


with Neil Kaplan CBE KC SBS 
Tuesday, 13 February 2024 | 5pm – 6.30pm AEDT |MinterEllison Collins Arch |Face to face event (Registration and light refreshments from 5pm to 5.30pm and seminar to run from 5.30pm to 6.30pm)


It is a common feature of Arbitration that parties, in-house lawyers and legal advisors blame the Tribunal for delay and cost involved in the process. In many cases, the parties only have themselves to blame for cost and delay. The way they conduct themselves in the arbitration can often be the driver for delay and cost. There is also another stage of the process where the parties traditionally fail to take advantage of the only opportunity to agree with the counterparty on a series of measures that can greatly impact time and expense. It is also an area where the parties are traditionally let down by their legal advisors.    These and other issues and solutions will be the subject of the presentation.


Who will benefit by attending

All those involved in arbitration whether as a party, representing a party, in-house lawyers, solicitors and barristers who represent parties as well as those interested in techniques to advance efficiency in arbitration. 

Registrations close 13th February 2024 at 10am or until sold out.


Neil Kaplan CBE KC SBS

Neil Kaplan CBE KC SBS has been a full time practicing Arbitrator since 1995.  During this period he has been involved in several hundred arbitrations as co-arbitrator, sole arbitrator or Chairman.  These arbitrations have included a wide range of commercial, infrastructure and investment treaty disputes under the Rules of the ICC, HKIAC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, SIAC, SCC, ICSID and CIETAC.  

Called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1965, Neil practised as a Barrister, Principal Crown Counsel at the Hong Kong Attorney-General’s Chambers, practised as a Queens Counsel in Hong Kong at Des Voeux Chambers, and served as a Judge of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong in charge of the Construction and Arbitration List.  

In June 2001, Neil was awarded a Commander of the British Empire for services to international arbitrations.  In 2007, he was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the Chief-Executive of the Hong Kong SAR.  

As a result of his contribution to the development and growth of arbitration in Hong Kong, Neil has often described as “the father of Hong Kong arbitration”.  

Neil has published a number of books and articles. His latest book, written together with Chiann Bao, is “So Now You Are an Arbitrator: The Arbitrator’s Tool Kit”.

Thanks to MinterEllison for generously hosting this event.


13/02/2024 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time
MinterEllison Collins Arch 447 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC 3000 AUSTRALIA

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