Mediation Training | Sydney | 2 - 6 September 2024

This mediation course satisfies the training component under the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) standards.

The training meets the requirements for the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) in Australia. The course has a strong skills development orientation. You will engage in demonstrations, simulation role plays offering experiential learning along with personalised coaching and receive feedback from highly skilled mediators.

Upon completion of the course, you will receive 20% off your membership for your first year which will gain you exclusive access to a range of our membership benefits. For more information about membership benefits, click here.

"The most helpful, informative and inspiring workshop I have ever attended"
"Coaching during simulations was very affirming and focused on future improvements"

"A very intensive and well-constructed course. It felt rigorous as the same time as be supportive"
"Extremely useful in a range of contexts through management, leadership and hands-on mediation."

Who is this training for?

  • anyone keen to add mediation to their professional skill set
  • those who are interested in developing their negotiation and conflict resolution skills
  • professionals who advise clients, manage staff or facilitate planning and decision making
  • those who handle disputes in commercial, government, not-for-profit or community sectors
  • HR professionals
  • those wishing to become professional accredited mediators

Previous participants include dispute resolvers and complaints handlers in all sectors, managers and executives, lawyers and accountants, human resource personnel and organisational trainers, union and workplace relations advisors, health care practitioners, educators, counsellors, coaches, conciliators, industrial relations experts and community engagement professionals.

There are no prerequisites for this course.

You will learn...

  • a proven step-by-step mediation process adaptable to a wide range of circumstances
  • essential skills to identify the range of drivers underpinning different perspectives
  • effective communication skills and processes to manage difficult or emotionally charged interactions
  • strategies to generate options and break impasse
  • practical tools to keep people with conflicting views focused on achieving constructive outcomes
  • a critical understanding of ethical issues relevant when navigating conflict and dispute situations

About our trainer

Nina Harding

Nina Harding has worked as a mediator / facilitator for over twenty five years. Nina is a Law graduate and has a Master of Laws. She is a Harvard Law School trained mediator and has mediated over 2,500 business disputes in a variety of areas. Nina is the Australian Film Code Conciliator (under the Australian Film Exhibition and Distribution Code) and a Visiting Senior Lecturer at The University of Hong Kong. Nina is a member of numerous mediation panels including: NSW Farm Debt Mediation, NSW Personal Injury Commission, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Queensland Small Business Commissioner, etc.

Nina Harding is a Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS) and a Fellow of the Resolution Institute. Nina is a popular key note speaker and an internationally recognised expert in complaint handling.

This mediation training course will be led by Nina along with our coaching pool of highly experienced mediators.

Your next steps

After graduating from this course, to become accredited you will need to:

Frequently asked questions

  • Do the early bird rates apply?

    We are pleased to offer a special discounted early bird fee up to one month prior to course enrolment.

  • Are there discounted rates for group bookings?

    Discounted rates for bulk bookings are available, please contact us on (02) 9251 3366 or write to us at [email protected].

  • Where are the terms for refunds and transfers?

    Bookings for training are subject to terms and conditions. These can be viewed here.

  • Do you provide in-house courses?

    Resolution Institute can also offer in-house courses customised to meet your needs as an organisation – please contact us on (02) 9251 33 66 or [email protected] to discuss options.

  • Is assessment part of this course?

    Assessment is not part of the course. Following completion of this course, you can choose to apply for mediation accreditation assessment.

2/09/2024 8:30 AM - 6/09/2024 5:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time

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