Swapping Hats, Moving Between Mediation & Conciliation

Mediation CPD Masterclass

with Shiv Martin
Friday, 03 May 2024 | 9am – 2pm AEST | Online

Swapping Hats, Moving Between Mediation and Conciliation Practice


Join us for a dynamic online workshop tailored for professionals eager to seamlessly integrate mediation and conciliation skills into their practice. This unique opportunity offers insights into the core skills essential for both effective mediation and conciliation, empowering you to fluidly transition between facilitative and evaluative roles in dispute management.

  • Skills update and professional development for conciliators.
  • Reflective practice and opportunity to collaborate with other hybrid practitioners.

Delivered by Shiv Martin, who is experienced and currently engaged in a combination of mediation and conciliation practice across a range of organisations and jurisdictions.

Refresher for public service officers and complaints handlers seeking explore models of resolving complaints/ review requests informally.

About the trainer



Shiv Martin

Shiv is a nationally accredited mediator, practicing lawyer, conciliator, decision maker and certified vocational trainer. She has engaged in complex dispute resolution, stakeholder engagement and team building in the government and legal sectors for 13 years. As a mediator, trainer and facilitator Shiv has a unique and diverse set of expertise in Law, Management, Vocational Education and Mediation. 
Shiv works for various government organisations as an independent decision maker or conciliator and conducts private workplace mediations and facilitations. She is currently a part time Assistant Information Commissioner, Queensland. In this role she makes statutory decisions on the information and privacy rights of individuals, corporations and government entities. She manages teams and projects in public service dispute resolution.  

Shiv is also an Independent Examiner with the Australian National Contact Point for OECD complaints. In this role Shiv conciliates, investigates, and makes decisions in relation to complaints made about the conduct of multinational companies. In this role, Shiv engages in complex, global conflict resolution that impacts on different cultural groups. As an experienced community mediator, Shiv has a keen interest and skill in conducting cross-cultural and intergenerational mediations. She is an active member of the South Queensland Dispute Resolution Centre where she continues to train, coach and assess aspiring mediators for NMAS Accreditation.  
Recently, as a Conference Registrar for the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Shiv conducted conciliations in a broad array of public sector disputes including tax, worker’s compensation and disability support (NDIS matters) and social services complaints.  

Shiv’s greatest area of strength and passion is training and coaching in dispute resolution. She is a leading conciliation and public service trainer for the Resolution Institute, and facilitates reflective practice workshops for public service managers.

She has also taught students of the University of Queensland and Newcastle University and continues to teach with Bill Eddy of the High Conflict Institute. She has trained many public service decision makers in negotiation skills and strategy. In additional to training, Shiv advises organisations on designing and implementing appropriate policies, systems and practices around effective conflict resolution and complaints handling. 

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3/05/2024 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Online registration not available.

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