
Trouble-shooting for new mediators

Trouble-shooting for new mediators

Trouble-shooting for new mediators: Your process, skills and development questions answered

with Bianca Keys
Wednesday, 19 June 2024 | 12pm 2pm AEST | Online

What do I do when I start mediating?

This workshop is designed to be your “phone a mediator friend”, with access to an experienced mediator who remembers just how you feel, and how much they would have valued an opportunity like this one.

When you are participating in a mediation training program, there is so much to learn. Your brain is full and it can feel as though you are learning a new language. When you are preparing for your assessment, all of your concentration is placed on the competencies that are being assessed. But what comes next?

It is common for new mediators to be very aware of what they don’t yet know, and to feel somewhat overwhelmed by the logistics and practicalities they face; What do I do when…if? How do I arrange this? What might I do to address that? What process tweaks might I need to consider?

Registrations will be limited, so that each attendee has the opportunity to bring a question to the session. The best part? Not only will you get some help with what is front of mind for you, you will also benefit and learn from the questions that others raise. Plus, if you like the format, you can register when it is run again, and be exposed to a whole new set of questions and answers!

A maximum of 15 attendees are able to participate in a given workshop. These events are not recorded and can only be attended live.

About the trainer


Bianca Keys

Bianca Keys is a highly experienced mediator, facilitator, trainer and conflict management coach. She is dedicated to the professionalisation of mediators in Australia and was an elected Director of the Mediator Standards Board between 2014-2022.

Bianca operates her own consultancy, specialising in conflict management and resolution for commercial, workplace and healthcare disputes.

In addition Bianca has diverse experience designing and implementing industry dispute resolution schemes. She has held Federal Government and Industry appointments including for the Australian franchising, horticulture, retail, petroleum, film exhibition, and wine making industries.

Over the past 19+ years Bianca has delivered mediation training in Australia, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, and Bahrain. This variety has given her the opportunity to develop a broad and comprehensive understanding of learning styles and best training practice. Bianca currently trains, coaches and assesses mediators under the NMAS for a number of organisations, and designs professional development programs for practicing mediators. She is passionate about developing, supporting, and mentoring a new generation of dispute resolution practitioners.

Bianca has been appointed to a number of mediation and conciliation panels, including statutory appointments to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, the NSW Workers Compensation Commission, and the NSW Small Business Commission. She is also a mediator with the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (Franchising, Horticulture, Small Business), the NSW Rural Assistance Authority (Farm Debt), and a Conciliator under the Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases.

Bianca facilitates in-house conflict management and effective communications workshops. She is a frequent contributor to industry publications and conferences and is consulted for her expertise in effective communication, negotiation, conflict management and mediation.

Terms and Conditions

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Wednesday, 19 June 2024
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Non-members: AU$150 | Members: AU$90 | Members with PDG subscription: AU$80
1.50 CPD Hours