
NSW Adjudication Masterclass

NSW Adjudication Masterclass

Saturday, 22 June 2024 | 5 CPD points|9.00am – 4.30pm AEST | Online

Resolution Institute is conducting a Masterclass for Adjudicators on Saturday 22 June 2024.

To maintain Resolution Institute adjudicator accreditation in NSW under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (the Act) and remain on Resolution Institute Panel, an adjudicator must meet the requirements of Resolution Institute's "Policy on accreditation and register of adjudicators". This policy provides that an accredited adjudicator must attend and be assessed as competent in at least one adjudication masterclass in each three-year period to remain on Resolution Institute’s register of adjudicators for NSW.

In addition, clause 19(3) of the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Regulations 2020 (the Regulations) requires adjudicators to complete a mandatory ten hours of CPD to accrue ten CPD points, one CPD point per hour of approved CPD attended between 1 September of one year and the next.

An adjudication masterclass also provides the opportunity for participants to improve their knowledge of adjudication and become aware of a broader range of issues that may typically be encountered in their practice.
Presentations throughout the day will focus on a number of subjects covering the three compulsory topics under the 2020 Regulation, providing a minimum of one CPD point for each of the following compulsory topics:

  • Legal principles and concepts (for example, principles of contract law, principles of construction law, construction contracts, construction projects or reading of the Act and the 2020 Regulation);
  • Practice and procedure (for example, practical aspects of adjudication, adjudication procedure, reading payment schedules, determination writing or decision making and complaint handling practices); and
  • Ethics (for example, impartiality, confidentiality, or conflicts of interest)

Part of the adjudication masterclass will be held in a workshop format to facilitate presentations and discussion of relevant topics submitted by attendees.

Attendees will be required to submit two topics for discussion. Please note that not all topics or questions submitted may be selected. The panel will choose what they see as the most relevant topics and distribute them prior to the event so as to allow attendees to prepare their proposed answers for the day.  Topics are to be sent to Resolution Institute no later than Friday 7 June 2024 to enable the programme and assessment criteria to be finalised.
During the adjudication masterclass, each participant will be assessed on their level of participation in discussions, their knowledge of the Act, and their understanding of the correct procedure when conducting adjudications.

Resolution Institute Adjudication Master class Policy is available at this link:  Resolution Institute Adjudication Master Class Policy. 
Further information will be provided to attendees regarding arrangements for the adjudication masterclass following registration. 
Please register as soon as possible, as numbers will be limited.
Satisfactory attendance at the Masterclass is a necessary part of the triennial review.

Terms and Conditions

Please view our terms and conditions here Read more


Saturday, 22 June 2024
8:45 am to 4:30 pm
Non-members: AU$750 | Members: AU$550 | PD Members: AU$495
5.00 CPD Hours